Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

With this onslaught of cold (being an understatement) I think the importance of starting your day off right is even greater. Breakfast sets the tone for the rest of your day and can also set the standard for the rest of your day's eating habits. This is why I have to have to HAVE TO have a healthy, yummy, filling (but not heavy) breakfast. Last year I replaced my oatmeal with Chia Goodness by Ruth's Hemp foods. Chia is a seed extremely high in omega 3s, calcium, dietary fiber and is low on the glycemic index. It is a raw food that can be eaten either warm or cold. When mixed with almond butter and raisins it is Deeeelish! However, on special morning (any morning can be special) or when I have company over, I like to make Quinoa pancakes. Quinoa is gluten free, a source of protein and easier to cook than rice. I like to cook some the night before so it's ready for me in the AM.

Now I am not really one for recipes and measurements but I mix about: 3 parts quinoa with 1 part buckwheat pancake mix, one egg, 1/4 cup almond milk, and a couple dashes of cinnamon. Stir it all up and fry. I like to top mine with a bit of almond butter and honey or maple syrup. This is a recipe you can play around with to suit your tastes. My cooking style is pretty simple. I take something I like and create a healthy version of it that still tastes delicious. Substituting a few ingredients can have wonderful effects on your health and your mood. When it's -30 outside a little boost never hurts.


  1. Hey I just moved to Edmonton and I was wondering where in town you can buy Chia Goodness as it's definitely a fav of mine too! Thanks! And keep the healthy recipes coming :)

  2. Hey sorry!!! just saw this. You can get Chia goodness at Planet Organic as well as a few of the Save On's around the city. I find that Save on has it for quite a bit cheaper :) thanks for the blog love
