I planned on making the standard vanilla almond mylk tonight, then I decided to add cocoa to half the batch, then took half the chocolate batch and blended a banana in it... and found heaven. Soooo delicious and healthy!!!!!
2 cups vanilla almond mylk (http://living-itup.blogspot.com/2011/02/almond-mylk-bliss.html)
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 tablespoon cacao nibs
1 banana
Ps. make sure your blender is on high... then you won't have almond crunchees at the bottoms (thank you Adrian)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday Funday
I have had serious left glute pain for the past week so my workouts have been tailored around it ie: no running outside, no aggressive fore/aft jumps, even Sattva was a struggle. The workout I did today I found on bodyrock.com, I had to tweak it a bit on the second round because the clean and squats were too painful. Instead I did 15 cleans followed by 15 squats. Breaking up the movements really helped. I also did it rep based as opposed to time based.
here is the link for the workout http://www.bodyrock.tv/2011/02/25/you-push-me-workout/
And here is what I did:
3 sets of:
16 kickover knee raises (I pushed two couches together)
46 alternating leg side lunge jumps
20 reptile pushups
15 cleans
15 front squats
150 sprinter high knees (i don't have a skipping rope)
Like most of the bodyrock workouts it was quick but sweaty. Perfect for a Sunday when you don't feel like devoting a lot of time to working out. I like to finish off with 300-500 abs.
Happy Sunday!!!!
here is the link for the workout http://www.bodyrock.tv/2011/02/25/you-push-me-workout/
And here is what I did:
3 sets of:
16 kickover knee raises (I pushed two couches together)
46 alternating leg side lunge jumps
20 reptile pushups
15 cleans
15 front squats
150 sprinter high knees (i don't have a skipping rope)
Like most of the bodyrock workouts it was quick but sweaty. Perfect for a Sunday when you don't feel like devoting a lot of time to working out. I like to finish off with 300-500 abs.
Happy Sunday!!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
DIY teacup cactus
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Raw Cashew Pesto
After consuming my weight in pasta and pesto one pre-season training trip to Switzerland, I had to take a 6 year hiatus from the stuff (pesto, definitely NOT pasta <3) Thank G my love for it is back, although now I have learned to moderate my consumption habits. This particular pesto is simple to make as long as you have a food processor. I found this recipe on http://littlehealthmonster.blogspot.com/2010/09/raw-vegan-cashew-pesto.html
Cashew Basil Pesto:
Cashew Basil Pesto:
- 1 cup raw cashews
- 2 cups chopped basil
- 1-2 garlic cloves (depends on taste, I used 1.5)
- 3/4 teaspoon dry mustard
- 1 teaspoon sea salt (I used Himalayan)
- 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
- 4 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 tablespoons water
Blend all together!!! I put mine on my raw bread sandwiches as well as over quinoa with a fried egg and fresh, chopped tomatoes. Delicious and easy.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Raw Sesame Sunflower Bread
I have always been intrigued by raw food diets. We are all so used to making things they way they have been made for years... in the oven. It is insane what kind of recipes are out there that are traditional dishes but in raw form. I found this bread recipe in Ani's Raw Food Kitchen. It is SUPER easy to make. I am easily intimidated by recipes and preparation time but this was Taryn-friendly for sure. All you need is a dehydrator. Mine is a pretty basic one, I think it was 50$ from Walmart and it works perfectly. Here is the recipe:
1 cup ground flax seed
1/3 cup whole flax seed
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 clove garlic
2 tablespoons of yellow onion, chopped
1 1/3 cup water
2/3 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup black sesame seeds (I used regular sesame seeds because i couldn't find black)
Mix it all together and lay it out on the dehydrator flattening with the back of a spoon. Dehydrate for four hrs (ish) flip and cut in to even slices and dehydrate for another hr.
1 cup ground flax seed
1/3 cup whole flax seed
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 clove garlic
2 tablespoons of yellow onion, chopped
1 1/3 cup water
2/3 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup black sesame seeds (I used regular sesame seeds because i couldn't find black)
Mix it all together and lay it out on the dehydrator flattening with the back of a spoon. Dehydrate for four hrs (ish) flip and cut in to even slices and dehydrate for another hr.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
homemade lara-like bars
My friend Miranda showed me this recipe the other day. Perfect timing because Costco is out and I really can't be spending 3$ a bar... That's just Ludacris. They are super simple and only a few ingredients which is great for me because I HATE shopping lists and long recipes are extremely intimidating.
1/2 cup soaked, pitted dates
1/2 cup dehydrated bananas (my granny got me a dehydrator last yr for xmas, best granny in the world!)
1 1/4 cup soaked Raw almonds
=6 bars
(next time I am going to make it 1/3 cup of the dates and bananas)
mash the dates and bananas in food processor till it looks like goo... a minute or two?? put aside
put the almonds in the food processor till they are all mashed up, I added a few splashes of coconut water to help with the goo process. mix it all together in a bowl and separate into little bars or big bars whatever you choose. I make them small because they are pretty filling little delights.
1/2 cup soaked, pitted dates
1/2 cup dehydrated bananas (my granny got me a dehydrator last yr for xmas, best granny in the world!)
1 1/4 cup soaked Raw almonds
=6 bars
(next time I am going to make it 1/3 cup of the dates and bananas)
mash the dates and bananas in food processor till it looks like goo... a minute or two?? put aside
put the almonds in the food processor till they are all mashed up, I added a few splashes of coconut water to help with the goo process. mix it all together in a bowl and separate into little bars or big bars whatever you choose. I make them small because they are pretty filling little delights.
Friday, February 11, 2011
in honour of Valentines day
(not that I celebrate it 'cus it would totally ruin my street cred) Here are my list of love favourites
Best love song of all time (if you disagree, you're just wrong) :Led Zeppelin- Thank you
Best love movie: Camille ( the world will disagree but I love that movie)
Best love food: heart shaped pizza.... pizza wins everytime
best love poem:
"If apples were pears
And peaches were plums
And the rose had a different name.
If tigers were bears
And fingers were thumbs
I'd love you just the same."
Best love song of all time (if you disagree, you're just wrong) :Led Zeppelin- Thank you
Best love movie: Camille ( the world will disagree but I love that movie)
Best love food: heart shaped pizza.... pizza wins everytime
best love poem:
"If apples were pears
And peaches were plums
And the rose had a different name.
If tigers were bears
And fingers were thumbs
I'd love you just the same."
Happy almost Valentines Day
ps. Valentines day is really about showing EVERYONE some love so bring donation items to lululemon Whyte Ave for the WIN house!
I run because...
It is the closest I can be to a kid again. Bounding over snowbanks, dodging rocks, kicking through puddles, and of course: chasing Tucker. Slowing to a near stop, not because I am beat, but because I need to fill my longs with oxygen to do it some more. Running is the happiest place I can be. The first steps may be filled with anger, frustrations or even sadness but once those energies are pushed through, my steps are full of bounce and character and I feel free from any negative emotions. I don't run for any reason other than I LOVE IT. nothing can catch you unless you want it to. Happiness prevails.
All while blasting this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cihl7uAcoe4
All while blasting this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cihl7uAcoe4
Thursday, February 10, 2011
"Hot Mess" workout
My day started out kind of rough... slept in till 7:30 (I need to leave for work by at least 7:20) it's that special time of the month, I am drained, bloated and grouchy (too much info?) What I am saying is the last thing I want to do is workout. BUT!!! Life is always better with endorphins... easier said then done. Anyways I opted for a basement bodyrock.tv workout and man oh man it was a gooder. I am dripping and it was only a 28 minute workout (with 2 minute break between the two sets). So if you are feeling like I do today, grab your favourite playlist and blast it loud enough that you can't hear how hard your breathing/how much pain your in. You will love yourself just a little bit more after.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Almond Mylk bliss
This morning I made almond mylk for the first time ever and it's soo simple. I had all the ingredients on hand already and the only tool you need is a blender.

1/2 cup almonds
1/2 cup pitted dates
1 tablespoon of vanilla (or one vanilla bean)
5 cups of water
pinch of sea salt
My blender isn't the best in the world at blending (as you can see there are some almond chunkees) but it does the trick. And those little pieces of crushed vanilla soaked almonds are delish so Im not even mad. Below you can see my almond mylk misto aka cheap black coffee with almond mylk foam on top. I am really excited that I can make this stuff at home now. Gotta save money so I can get to thailand!!!! -----one dollar at a time :)
1/2 cup almonds
1/2 cup pitted dates
1 tablespoon of vanilla (or one vanilla bean)
5 cups of water
pinch of sea salt
My blender isn't the best in the world at blending (as you can see there are some almond chunkees) but it does the trick. And those little pieces of crushed vanilla soaked almonds are delish so Im not even mad. Below you can see my almond mylk misto aka cheap black coffee with almond mylk foam on top. I am really excited that I can make this stuff at home now. Gotta save money so I can get to thailand!!!! -----one dollar at a time :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Anna Goodman's "Alors on Danse"

"Alors on Danse"
It's the feeling of a perfectly carved turn. The way you feel the crisp wind on your face. The way you maneuver the terrain and dominate the mountain. Being surrounded by nature and celebrating the sport.
Alors on danse...

When my mom describes my slalom skiing, she says it's as if I am “dancing down the hill.”
Dancing like nobody is watching, dancing to my own rhythm and beat, and dancing my way through the finish line! The way my mind separates from my body for a brief moment of pure adrenaline and instinct as I race down the hill, hair flying, eyes watering, wind tickling my face; brings the feelings of being one with the mountain; one with my dance floor. These feelings are the reason that year after year and race after race, I keep coming back for more. An amazing race is like having the wildest, craziest most fun dance party of your life, where thoughts and doubts don't matter and you've got all the best moves guided by the positive, pure energy flowing through your body to it's own beat.
After seven months away from the sport recovering from knee surgery I finally got to buckle up my ski boots, click into my skis, and feel some wind on my face as I skied my way down Solden, Austria for the past month. Time flew by and I am finally feeling like I've got my groove back on skis, the beat is pumping and I'm ready to RACE! My legs are tingling, my heart is pounding, and there are butterflies dancing around my belly in anticipation of the start of my race season: November 15th in Levi, Finland.
Until then, we dance, we ski and we laugh because we are living our dream. And by we, I mean my teammates and me. We make each other laugh and sing and dance the same way we push each other to be faster, stronger and more aggressive on the ski hill. We are all such different individuals, but we are bonded by the love of the sport, the outdoors, the crisp fresh winter air and the love of hilarious adventures on and off of the ski hill.
One of those hilarious moments happened recently when we had a day off during our training camp in Pitztal, Austria. We were sipping coffee, watching the snow falling, when we decided that the best way to let loose that day would be to have a colourful and comical photo-shoot! We got dressed in various fluorescent crazy colours, I rigged my camera up to a mini tri-pod, set the timer, and we were off! All ten of us laughed, danced, jumped and embraced the energy that we were creating. When we get together, smiles and laughter have a domino affect. My teammates are my second family, and although we compete against each other, we are close friends and sisters; we are a team. So, as the season creeps up on us and the first race is only a week away, I am sending out my dance vibes and positive energy to all the Canadians racing. We've all got our own unique moves when it comes to racing down the hill, but as long as we trust our instincts and embrace the moments and go with the flow as we attack our way to the finish line, it should be a great show! Soon I'll be on stage, and I know in my heart that I've got some pretty sweet moves!!

Follow her blog @ http://www.annagoody.ca/
Monday, February 7, 2011
New 30 day challenge
I just finished another bodyrock tv workout http://www.bodyrock.tv/2011/02/05/new-300-rep-workout/. It is the hardest I have pushed myself in a while and had few moments where I really just wanted to throw in the towel. My total time was 20 min and 59 seconds. (way better then a full 21 ;) I am still sore from friday and saturdays workouts as well. Because these workouts seem to all be under 25-30 minutes I have decided I am going to do the workouts she posts everyday. They can all be tailored to do in the comfort of your home so I suggest you all join me!!! And those of you who do them please post your times or which exercise you loved-hated the most.
I am off to take Tucker for a nice cool down run now. Happy chilly Monday.
I am off to take Tucker for a nice cool down run now. Happy chilly Monday.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Taryn's chocolatey chocolate V-day muffins
As always, I made this recipe as I went. So hopefully I can remember it all.
3/4 whole wheat flour
1/2 cup 7 grain cereal
1 cup cooked quinoa
1 1/2 cup blended beets (blended with a bit of coconut water)
handful of raisins
handful of almonds- slap chopped
9 soaked and chopped dates
3/4 cup unsweetened coconut
3/4 cup pure dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup of cocoa
2 whole eggs
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup of ground flax
2 tsp vanilla
and I think thats it.... all mixed together baked at 350 for about 20 minutes. Rich and delicious. I really didn't know if these were going to turn out.... But they exceeded my expectations!!!
ps. pure (no sugar/chemicals added) coconut water is now at Costco hurray!!! $11.99 for a 12 pack, best price I have seen in the city by FAR! except they didn't have Lara bars today.... hopefully they just ran out :)
1/2 cup 7 grain cereal
1 cup cooked quinoa
1 1/2 cup blended beets (blended with a bit of coconut water)
handful of raisins
handful of almonds- slap chopped
9 soaked and chopped dates
3/4 cup unsweetened coconut
3/4 cup pure dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup of cocoa
2 whole eggs
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup of ground flax
2 tsp vanilla
and I think thats it.... all mixed together baked at 350 for about 20 minutes. Rich and delicious. I really didn't know if these were going to turn out.... But they exceeded my expectations!!!
ps. pure (no sugar/chemicals added) coconut water is now at Costco hurray!!! $11.99 for a 12 pack, best price I have seen in the city by FAR! except they didn't have Lara bars today.... hopefully they just ran out :)
burrrrrrn @bodyrock.tv
My beloved little Lemon, Brynne, is always talking about bodyrock.tv and she looooves the workouts that are posted on it. I have to say, the lady who runs this site has a pretty enviable and inspiring body. I did one of the workouts today http://www.bodyrock.tv/2010/11/19/550-rep-fat-massacre/ "550 rep massacre" sounds inviting doesn't it??? It is awesome because you can do it at home as long as you have a little open floor space. My time was 14:55 and I am sweating pretty profusely over here (too much info??) It's tough, but it is fun. Really push yourself to see what time you can get. I thrive in competitive atmospheres so these crossfit-like workouts are right up my alley. Plus, your done your workout for the day in about 20 minutes. Can't hate that.
Happy Snowy Saturday!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
And for lunch....
Kale, broccoli, mushrooms, egg, leftover vegan chili from Planet Organic, hot sauce and olive oil all fried up together topped with a few grape tomatoes. quick and delish!
Killer workout with Kimmer!!!!
So my good friend and fellow Lemon, Kim, has HUGE fitness goals for 2011 and I am soooo excited to teach her what I have learned and use my massive databank of workouts to help her reach her goals. It's sweet for me too because she is a massage therapist (check her out at Moksha Yoga Edmonton south/ Balance Massage) and she hooks me up with free massages. It is also good learning for me because I am not a personal trainer, I have just honestly been working out SERIOUSLY since I was 13 years old (here we go ski racing!) I have a tendency to assume that everyone can do every exercise so working out with Kim has taught me how to scale the workouts and get back to basics with form and balance. I gotta say, She goes hard!! and it is truly an inspiration to watch her push herself far beyond her comfort zone.
20 minutes elliptical level 12, rpm above 6.5, last 5 min level 13 (get your heart rate going)
3 rounds of:
30 squat jumps over the BOSU
50 ab rows with weighted bar
20 ab twists with weighted bar
20 pushups
20 min elliptical level 12
2 rounds of:
20/leg bulgarian split squats with 15lb dumbells (ouuuuuuch!!)
upper body burn (25lb plate: 10bicep curls bottom to 90Degree, 10 bicep top to 90degrees, 10 full bicep curls, 10 overhead tricep overhead extension, 10 *chest pushes*) no rest between exercises.
15 min elliptical cool down (switch it up with backward and forward movement)
*Chest pushes: hold plate to your chest and push straight forward so your arms are full extended (I have no clue what the proper name is for this one :)
If you hate the elliptical you can do any cardio machine. I have problems with my sacrum so running has to be kept to 3 times a week max (sad panda) and I find that the elliptical loosens it up. But, your choice!!!
Our total workout was an hour and forty minutes with a 760 calorie burn. The workout I described can easily be tailored for different fitness levels i.e. less reps, less weight, female vs male pushups, with/without BOSU ball, etc.
20 minutes elliptical level 12, rpm above 6.5, last 5 min level 13 (get your heart rate going)
3 rounds of:
30 squat jumps over the BOSU
50 ab rows with weighted bar
20 ab twists with weighted bar
20 pushups
20 min elliptical level 12
2 rounds of:
20/leg bulgarian split squats with 15lb dumbells (ouuuuuuch!!)
upper body burn (25lb plate: 10bicep curls bottom to 90Degree, 10 bicep top to 90degrees, 10 full bicep curls, 10 overhead tricep overhead extension, 10 *chest pushes*) no rest between exercises.
15 min elliptical cool down (switch it up with backward and forward movement)
*Chest pushes: hold plate to your chest and push straight forward so your arms are full extended (I have no clue what the proper name is for this one :)
If you hate the elliptical you can do any cardio machine. I have problems with my sacrum so running has to be kept to 3 times a week max (sad panda) and I find that the elliptical loosens it up. But, your choice!!!
Our total workout was an hour and forty minutes with a 760 calorie burn. The workout I described can easily be tailored for different fitness levels i.e. less reps, less weight, female vs male pushups, with/without BOSU ball, etc.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Corn thins are the $#!%
I have never bought these little treasures before but the other day corn thins were on sale in the organic section at Beaumont Sobeys (On an aside, Beaumont you need to bulk up the baby sized corner you call an organic section. If you build we will come. Until then it's off to the city for my groceries!) Anyyyyways. There are so many options for these this thins: they are gluten free and light tasting. They also don't crumble into a million little pieces on your first bite leaving you with a messy handful of crumble and topping. I have been putting almond butter and raisins on them for a sweet treat as well as pumpkin butter(yum) but last night after my run I had a real hankerin' for a tuna melt. Soooo this is what I made!

- tuna salad (little dollop of mayo :), hot sauce, S+P
- sauteed spinach and onions
- grated asiago cheese
- 3 corn thins
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Can't hate coming home to this!!!!
Adrian's "Keenwa Stirfry"
Shrimp-n-Veg Heaven
Adrian's mom gave us a huge goodie bag of vegetables so we put them to use. It was delicious :). For a more substantial meal you can serve this over quinoa. Quinoa, quinoa, quinoa so much quinoa. But it's so delicious and so good for you!!!
Adrian's "Keenwa Stirfry"
- grilled asparagus, broccoli, peppers, bean sprouts, garlic, onions
- grilled mahi mahi
- quinoa
Shrimp-n-Veg Heaven
- Grilled jumbo shrimp,
- broccoli, peppers, shaved carrots, corn off the cob, mushroom, bean sprouts
- garlic
- crushed almonds
- bragg, salt and pepper
Adrian's mom gave us a huge goodie bag of vegetables so we put them to use. It was delicious :). For a more substantial meal you can serve this over quinoa. Quinoa, quinoa, quinoa so much quinoa. But it's so delicious and so good for you!!!
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