- tuna salad (little dollop of mayo :), hot sauce, S+P
- sauteed spinach and onions
- grated asiago cheese
- 3 corn thins
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Corn thins are the $#!%
I have never bought these little treasures before but the other day corn thins were on sale in the organic section at Beaumont Sobeys (On an aside, Beaumont you need to bulk up the baby sized corner you call an organic section. If you build we will come. Until then it's off to the city for my groceries!) Anyyyyways. There are so many options for these this thins: they are gluten free and light tasting. They also don't crumble into a million little pieces on your first bite leaving you with a messy handful of crumble and topping. I have been putting almond butter and raisins on them for a sweet treat as well as pumpkin butter(yum) but last night after my run I had a real hankerin' for a tuna melt. Soooo this is what I made!

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