Monday, March 7, 2011


I finally got around to calling my best friend Bri's dad tonight. All of you who know me surely know about Bri but for those of you who don't, Bri passed away a year and a half ago. Her dad is still living up in small town Alaska where she passed away, going blind, is broke, depressed, on numerous medications, etc. He has had to move out of his home and into a care home. Across the street from the care home is the house of the man who ran over his daughter, driving his brand new truck and goes home to a family every day. His health and his lack of funds has kept him from going to all the spots Bri loved to scatter her ashes. So they sit in his house. Oh and the guy who killed Bri already had other previous charges against him that should have put him in jail long before the accident. It is a sad sad sad story. Bri was her dad's whole world. Her mom passed away when she was a teen but she was out of her life before then. She always said her daddy raised her and she didn't care she didn't have her mom because she had the best dad in the world. She called him AT LEAST everyday when we lived together. We may have even called him a few times in the wee hours of the night(morning) from downtown Reno, he would just laugh. They were just the bestest buds.

It is so frustrating to be so far away and not have the means to help him or go visit him all the time. All Bri wanted was to become a nurse and take care of her dad.

Appreciate those you love. Celebrate them everyday. And if you start feeling sorry for yourself because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, remember it really ain't so bad.

much love.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy your blog Taryn.

    Many of us too often forget to live it up, too consumed by stress and worries over tiny tiny things that really in a bigger scope mean nothing. We humans are silly like that sometimes. I'm trying to remember everyday how grateful I can be of my health, my life, my husband, family and friends. All that love that I'm privileged to receive.

    I'm truly sorry to hear that Bri's dad is going through all that hardship on top of the past tragedy. The worst is, that you would want to be there and help him, to make Bri's hopes and aspirations come true. I wish you all the best in your endeavors and hope you get to Alaska to see him.

    Remembering Bri.
