Friday, December 3, 2010

30 days of sweating more than Scott

lululemon Whyte is playing for keeps this December by having a 30 day sweat challenge. She/He who sweats the mostest gets the......... prize (couldn't think of anything that rhymes with mostest). Therefore, I am going to be sweating everyday in December. Working out and being healthy is known to increase productivity in the workplace. A happy healthy employee is going to be more efficient than a grouchy, lazy one. Not to mention people love a good competition.

Day one started off bendy with a solid yoga sesh. Day two I hit up the gym for some cardio mixed with weight circuits and Day 3 was the same with more of a focus on abs and legs. I have an extremely short attention span and get get bored easily. In order to keep me interested and focused at the gym I switch it up by doing intervals on the cardio machines. Sprint for a couple minutes then take it easy for a minute. Growing up a competitive ski racer has instilled a desire to always be better so I really love to push myself but if you are new to the gym it is good to record your workouts. Take note of the weights you are using and the levels/ time you spend on the cardio machines. This way you can look back and see your growth and improvements. This will be motivating on even the worst days. Last year I got a Polar heart rate monitor and I absolutely L O V E it. It is a pretty basic model, which is good for me because technology eludes me. It is great for running as well as the gym because it tells me exactly how many calories I have burned and how much time I have spent burning fat or improving my fitness. I always set a goal for the gym. Usually it is to burn at least 600 calories (comparable to an hour long run) but if I don't have enough time to get there I will set goals based on reps or sets. For instance 100 air squats plus a 1000 abs. It really doesn't matter what it is, just set them big and get there. Accomplishing a workout goal everyday will leave you feeling: accomplished. Accomplished= happy.

Lately I have been working out later than I would like so my dinners are pushed back until 8 or so, Which I know is terrible. If I know I am going to be working out late I will snack before my workout then eat a lighter dinner post workout. Tonight I made a delicious salad with:
kale, turkey sausage, tomatoes, yellow peppers, mushrooms, spinach, feta, olive oil and dill. I fried the kale and turkey sausage together with a bit of olive oil and Franks red hot (put that $%!# on everything) once the kale was crunchy I put it all on the salad. The oil in the kale was enough to soften up the rest of the salad. Top it with some dill and you got yourself quite the little delight.

Now go get Sweaty.

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